About Us

At Housing with Care, we provide high-quality, trusted housing opportunities for Minnesotans with disabilities. Our range of services encourages new freedom, peace of mind and self-confidence among our clients. We understand your rights and will work to find you the optimal solution for your needs.

Our Services

We offer Housing Access Coordination (HAC) which as described by the Minnesota department of Human Services is a waiver pay-per-performance person-centered service that helps people plan for, find, and move to homes of their own that are not owned, leased, or controlled by disability services providers.

We value your choice of living in the comfort of your home or community and getting the personalized care you want from skilled professionals. The staff at Housing With Care work with individualized relocation plans designed to meet the needs of each client and promote successful nursing home relocation.

Housing Access Coordination

Housing access coordination (HAC): A waiver service that helps a person plan for, find and move to his/her own home.

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Transitional Services

Transitional services covers items and expenses necessary and reasonable for a person to transition from an eligible setting to his/her own home.

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Own Home

A person’s own home is a setting that he or she owns, rents or leases that is not operated, owned or leased by a provider of services or supports.
At HWC We Believe


We are committed to providing the highest quality services to our clients and community.


We will continually strive without reserve to improve our services, so our clients receive the best service they deserve.


Housing with Care LLC wants to recognize the distinct patterns of thinking and change them to more positive ones by learning too best serve our client’s behaviors.


‍We treat all clients with patience, generosity and kindness. DWC helps participants to acknowledge and tackle these barriers and to view compassion as a value they can consciously express throughout their practice.

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